Traffic Volunteers Needed!
Help needed with traffic in the following areas
Help needed with traffic in the following areas
- Cones on Ulloa St. & 40th Avenue. This is an easy 15 minutes a day toward parent hours! We need someone to put out cones at the driveway on Ulloa St. at 40th Ave. in the afternoons. This is best for someone who is at school most afternoons.
- Morning Traffic: Help with pedestrians and traffic at the corners of 41st & Ulloa and 40th & Ulloa. Any mornings.
- Afternoon Traffic: This is our area
of greatest need.
What do afternoon traffic monitors do? -
- Help with the flow of the pick-up line on 41st Avenue.
- Help parked cars leave through the pick-up line.
- Help children find their ride.*
- Help parents, grandparents and others find
children they are picking up.